Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Like A Kid In A Candy Store...

I have to admit, I'm having fun lately. There's so much going on in the world of Tech that its hard not to. Each day, someone steps forth with more exciting news to proclaim.
And as hard as I'd prefer not to take sides with one company or another, mainly because of the wild swings tech companies may take over a decade or so, but I am obviously partial to Google. The biggest reason is because these guys are clever, innovative, & fun. Yep, I said fun.
And they've undeniably been on a roll, lately. It's like they've been quietly building something, piece by piece, & finally flipped the switch to... take over the world.  Overdramatic? Maybe. But to those who say so, I venture to suggest you check out Google+. Or g+, as we regulars call it (jk).  It's honestly changed how I interact online- literally.  Google has managed to effectively create a universe that includes all of the pieces of the puzzle Google has been putting together for over a decade, all under one roof, or um, browser.
The best way I know to 'splain it is to think of a supermarket years ago & supercenters of today.  Before, one had to go to multiple locations to pick up the goods they needed.  Fast forward to today, & we have places like Walmart that offer nearly everything under one roof.  Same idea.  Each day, I'm finding less need to ever really leave Google.  Paired with Chrome, I can install various extensions, or plugins, that allow me to stay connected & view my notifications at any time. Throw in an Android device, & you're in media heaven.
I know I probably sound like a commercial but it's definitely worth checking out if you haven't already.  Enjoy;)

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