Thursday, August 25, 2011

Could The Next Version Of Android Be Called "Blackberry"?

Wow, what a month?!
In tech news, specifically, it's been a wild ride:) Google buys Motorola, HP throws up the proverbial white flag, Steve Jobs resigns from Apple, & now Blackberry may be borrowing that same white flag HP waved.
This is great in different ways... for Google's Android OS, anyway. How? Why? Well, it's actually very simple: Google needs patents, & quick. With Moto under their umbrella, that helped tremendously to evade being nailed by patent infringement suits. If they purchase Research In Motion (RIM), they gain even more patents to ward off the evil empire known as Apple or even Oracle, in court. See, what makes this theory even sweeter is the fact that RIM was one of the boys in the consortium that purchased & divided up all the patents up for bid at the Nortel patent auction recently. Some say that Apple, Microsoft, RIM, & others teamed up to go in together to screw Google out of all those valuable patents. Whether this is true or not, remains to be seen... but I subscribe to the theory that if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, & sounds like a duck, it must be a duck. So, now you have RIM with all these patents that Google got "screwed" out of getting, but may get to laugh last if Google does indeed absorb them.
It should make for another interesting few months, though... QUACK!

-Ars Technica
RIM is in trouble: who will buy the BlackBerry pie?:

'via Blog this'

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Steve Jobs Calls It A Day

Today, news of Steve Jobs' resignation chirped out across PCs & mobile devices seemingly all at once. My Tweetdeck notifications were popping up at such a rapid pace, one could almost mistake it for a small cartoon playing on towards the bottom right-hand part of my laptop's screen.  Would've been easy to mistake for a nest of small birds; chirp...chirp...chirp, chirp, CHIRP.
So, Mr. Apple himself, finally handed the reigns over to someone else after so many years of building not only a brand but a culture at Apple that will be missed by many, I'm sure.  Love Apple or hate'em, the fact that the man who brought that lowly company back (with some monetary help from Microsoft, of course...) can't be denied especially after the recent news of Apple's becoming the wealthiest company in America.
So Cook's gonna take over as the new CEO of the company, having been formerly employed  with Compaq not too long ago.  Does anybody else see the irony in that tidbit of info?  If not, do let me explain: Compaq is owned by HP. HP is selling off crap left & right in hopes of possibly getting out of the computer hardware business altogether after posting some large losses over the last few years.  Ever hear of the Touchpad? Anybody? Anybody....
The timing couldn't come at a better time for Jobs to step down, as the iPhone 5 is merely a blink or two away & Apple's as strong as ever.  I bid him farewell, despite the lawsuits & locked-downedness of their products.  The fact still remains that both Apple (under Jobs) & Microsoft (under Gates) pioneered an era of computing & communications the likes of which, no other generation has ever seen.  I'm proud to have witnessed it: GREATNESS.  At the end of the day he's human.  I think I am, too:)
God bless you Steve.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Google Buys Motorola- THE GAME JUST CHANGED

This one was music to my ears & candy to my eyes:
Google just kicked Apple, threw them into the ropes, & speared'em by purchasing Motorola:)
As I noted a few weeks ago, if Google could/would buy a manufacturer then almost all their troubles as far as fragmentation would go bye-bye & Apple wouldn't be as much of a dominant force in the smartphone world any longer. I am extremely happy about this, especially since I myself own a Motorola device. Hopefully this will mean more & better updates & a better, wholesome Android experience from here on out.
I've read that Moto was seemingly hinting around to going after Samsung & other manufacturers to collect royalties: I didn't understand this until now. As part of Google, it makes sense to an extent.
Anyway, to learn more about this acquisition click the link below for more details...
Official Google Blog: Supercharging Android: Google to Acquire Motorola Mobility

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Why I Hate Apple (One Of Many Reasons...)

This whole patent violation thing has gotten out of hand. If the US courts keeps siding with Apple, nobody's going to be able to compete with them. It's abuse of a hole in the system on Apple's part. Since when can you patent "the internal wiring" of a device? It's horsecrap.
You see, Apple is & has been submitting patents on every minuscule piece of their devices, including the colors, wiring, etc.  Doesn't sound like a big deal at first, at least until you dive deeper & see that in order for Samsung, HTC, Moto, etc. to be able to compete with a device of their own, they can't use the color white. Or run/connect the internal wiring a certain way. Can't even have a similar form factor (which is almost impossible mind you, but will need to be done). And lately, as a company is set to launch a new device,  Apple has even had the audacity to try to get a court's ruling that they must first let Apple see it & disect it... BEFORE it can be launched?! Hmmm... That didn't fly with the courts (thank goodness) but you can see the abusive nature of this situation.
To put this in perspective, imagine if the company that invented the automobile or any car manufacturer throughout the last 100yrs had patented every minute detail of the machine including 4 wheels, a steering wheel, bucket seats, etc.? Then sued every other car manufacturer for patent infringement each time they installed a bucket seat or a seat that RESEMBLED a bucket seat, a muffler configuration (they're usually snaked over & around components under the vehicle to exit out the rear). Wouldn't you say it would be extremely difficult if not close to impossible to effectively compete in that environment? I would.
In order to foster competition, companies should be able to patent certain aspects of the device, however abusing the priviledge only destroys competition & eventually drives up prices for the consumer. The less competition around, the more I can charge you for this or that- where else are you gonna go?
Just another reason why I hate Apple, folks...