Sunday, August 7, 2011

Why I Hate Apple (One Of Many Reasons...)

This whole patent violation thing has gotten out of hand. If the US courts keeps siding with Apple, nobody's going to be able to compete with them. It's abuse of a hole in the system on Apple's part. Since when can you patent "the internal wiring" of a device? It's horsecrap.
You see, Apple is & has been submitting patents on every minuscule piece of their devices, including the colors, wiring, etc.  Doesn't sound like a big deal at first, at least until you dive deeper & see that in order for Samsung, HTC, Moto, etc. to be able to compete with a device of their own, they can't use the color white. Or run/connect the internal wiring a certain way. Can't even have a similar form factor (which is almost impossible mind you, but will need to be done). And lately, as a company is set to launch a new device,  Apple has even had the audacity to try to get a court's ruling that they must first let Apple see it & disect it... BEFORE it can be launched?! Hmmm... That didn't fly with the courts (thank goodness) but you can see the abusive nature of this situation.
To put this in perspective, imagine if the company that invented the automobile or any car manufacturer throughout the last 100yrs had patented every minute detail of the machine including 4 wheels, a steering wheel, bucket seats, etc.? Then sued every other car manufacturer for patent infringement each time they installed a bucket seat or a seat that RESEMBLED a bucket seat, a muffler configuration (they're usually snaked over & around components under the vehicle to exit out the rear). Wouldn't you say it would be extremely difficult if not close to impossible to effectively compete in that environment? I would.
In order to foster competition, companies should be able to patent certain aspects of the device, however abusing the priviledge only destroys competition & eventually drives up prices for the consumer. The less competition around, the more I can charge you for this or that- where else are you gonna go?
Just another reason why I hate Apple, folks...

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